2016 was a huge year for Cloud computing. Chief amongst it being Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), which continues to grow exponentially year on year. It seems this is not about to slow down any time soon. Reliable forecasting predicts the total market value for Public cloud infrastructure services to hit $800 million by 2019. According to Telsyte, who completed an Australian Infrastructure & Cloud Computing Market study in 2016: “more than half of all organisations greater than 20 employees are now using public cloud IaaS for at least some part of their IT infrastructure”. This is an exciting time for Bang I.T Solutions and other Cloud platform providers, but equally encouraging for businesses. Continual Cloud technology advancements also offer clients more options.
Why is Cloud computing becoming so popular?
Our modern era has a ravenous appetite for growing technologies – everything is becoming slicker, faster, more convenient and cost effective. Cloud computing is no different, with many companies reducing their I.T expenditure by up to 25-50%. Cloud allows companies to be more responsive and quickly scale their business beyond the four walls of their operation. Combine this with increased flexibility, speed and convenience it is easy to see why more companies are making the switch.
Australia is still some way behind the U.S, where Cloud computing has been adopted much earlier and at a quicker pace by American companies – the two largest Cloud providers after all are American: Amazon Web Services (AWS) and Microsoft with their Azure platform, who have seen enormous success since coming to Australian shores in the past year. It should be noted, however, that there is a major Australian founded IaaS provider that more than equals AWS & Microsoft in terms of performance and cost, but will be covering more on that in my next blog.
Bang I.T Solutions is a specialist Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) provider that offers two Cloud platform options. Powered by award winning OrionVM here in Australia and as a certified Microsoft Partner, we also help clients migrate to the MS Azure platform too. For more info you can reach us at: sales@bangitsolutions.com